​​Mini U’s Holiday Heroes: Child-Friendly Bath Bombs & More!

​​Mini U’s Holiday Heroes: Child-Friendly Bath Bombs, Kids Hair Products, Mini Shampoo & Conditioner & More!

As the summer holidays beckon and families across the UK prepare for sun-soaked adventures, ensuring your little ones have everything they need is a very important job. Parents often despair at quite how much they need to pack for a family holiday, reminiscing on days gone by when they’d just chuck some swimwear and SPF 30 in their carry-on luggage and head for the sunshine. Here at Mini U, we want to be your go-to for family travel essentials this holiday season, bringing you hard working and travel-friendly children’s bathtime products that you and your little ones will love.

Bath Time Bliss with Children’s Bath Bombs

Transform bath time into a magical experience with Mini U’s range of bath bombs. Designed specifically for children, these bath bombs are not only safe but also packed with fun. Watch as they fizz and release vibrant colours and delightful fragrances, turning an ordinary bath into an extraordinary adventure. Plus, they’re enriched with skin-loving ingredients to ensure that even the most delicate skin stays soft and nourished. For a special holiday treat, check out our new Bath Bomb Gift Set, which contains four of our hugely popular rainbow cloud bath bombs.

Happy Hair Days with Our Kids’ Hair Products

Travelling often means exposure to sun, sea, and chlorine, all of which can take a toll on your child’s hair. Mini U’s kids’ hair products are formulated to tackle these challenges head-on. Our gentle Honey Cream Shampoo and Honey Cream Conditioner are perfect for maintaining healthy hair, no matter where your travels take you. Make sure you’ve packed our Fresh Apple Detangling Spray to keep those locks looking luscious and tangle free, even after a long day of splashing in the waves.

Cute and Convenient: Meet our Minis

It looks like travel restrictions could be changing this summer to allow travellers to take higher volumes of liquid in their carry-on luggage. Restrictions currently vary between airports and it’s worth checking with your departure airport before travel. Packing light is a breeze with Mini U’s Miniatures Travel Kit. These mini marvels are perfectly portioned for holidays, fitting snugly into your luggage without taking up too much space and staying under the 100ml limits. Despite their small size, they pack a punch in terms of effectiveness, ensuring your child’s hair stays clean and conditioned throughout your trip.

Why Choose Mini U?

  • Child-Friendly Formulations: Every Mini U product is crafted with gentle, child-friendly ingredients that are kind to skin and hair.
  • Fun and Engaging: From colourful bath bombs to fruity fragrances, Mini U products make hygiene routines enjoyable.
  • Travel-Ready: The mini shampoo and conditioner sets are ideal for families on the go, ensuring you’re well-prepared without being weighed down.
  • Eco-Conscious: Mini U is committed to sustainability, with recyclable packaging and cruelty-free products.

A Splash of Joy for Every Journey

Whether you’re heading to the beaches of Cornwall, exploring the Highlands, or jetting off to sunnier climes, Mini U’s range of holiday heroes ensures your children can enjoy their bathtime rituals wherever you go. Delight your little ones with the magic of Mini U and make every moment of your holiday sparkle. Start planning a holiday full of fun, frolics, and fabulous hair days.

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